Thursday, December 31, 2020

 Hello My Auld Fine Folks,

 This is it – my last post for the year…and what a year!

But I don’t have to tell you that.  We each got thru this year in our own way, navigating the ups and downs and back and forth. And, not all of us made it to the end, for which I share in your sorrow.  

 Today we are on the cusp of that moment where the past and the future come together and this I promise…


Today I will remember. 

I will remember your courage and your strength.
I will remember your laughter and your comfort.
I will remember you.


Tomorrow I will believe.

I will believe in our joy and compassion.
I will believe in dreams and desires.
I will believe in us.


Tonight, at midnight, I will throw our front door wide and release the detritus of the old year to make room for the fresh, new year and all it’s promise.

See you in the new year.


A shot in the dark

One from within. One from without. When I began this blog is was turning into a very long diatribe of “poor me – covid screwed me big ti...