Friday, November 16, 2018

Treatment #6, Week #17 …What a ride!

November 9th was my last day of chemo. 
These few days are the last time I’ll go thru the BCP. 
Today I will feel better… every day… for good.

Right to the very end I encountered bombshell after disbelief after revelation.  And, through it all you were there… and you were there… and you were there… 

For this final week and this final treatment I was treated to a wonderful round of love and surprises.  My great friends, Adam and Betsy came down to celebrate the occasion with Susan and me.  When we got home there was a surprise party waiting for me complete with more friends, tie-dyed balloons and peace sign cookies followed by a smaller after-party at our home where Adam and I played music for our friends until I couldn’t play anymore (which was, admittedly, a lot sooner than I would’ve preferred).  Being surrounded by the love and laughter of my wife, friends and family - both here and in spirit - and sharing music was just the right way to put a bow on this whole package. 

The rest of the wrapping, if you will, is all of you who’ve written, hugged, sent thoughts and prayers and have been at and on my side throughout this process.  I’ve been embraced by strangers who wished me well and shared fortunes with fellow warriors.  I’ve discovered strength within and have learned to accept strength from without with humility and grace.  Words will never be able to express how grateful I am to all of you for everything.

In case you were wondering I plan to continue writing these blogs and am looking forward to them being decidedly more music centric.  Of course, there will be a brief health update when I reach my 2-year and 5-year marks.  Until then, expect lots of music, news and musings coming down the pike – like, finally being able to finish the new album with no more distractions.  I hope you’ll continue to ride along with me on this journey!


  1. Lojo, Congratulations on completing this major unplanned side trip on the road of life. Love ya. Stay bad ass. Hope to see you again soon.

  2. Woohoo! Looking forward to seeing you go forward. I can hardly wait for the new album..

  3. As usual, you rawk HARD. Your presence is a giganto-huge blessing to all of us who know you.

  4. Wahoo! Wonderful news! You are amazing and much loved! 😘

  5. Go Lojo!!! Heal heal heal heal heal!!! So glad you've gotten through this and I look forward to seeing (and hearing) the wonderful things you do next. :* Tanya (Blogger wouldn't let me identify myself. ;) )

  6. Bravo! Wishing you continued healing and strength,Lojo. Hugs of love and peace out!

  7. Woo!Hoo! Congratulations!!! Still sending you lots of love and healing every day!!!😘😘😘

  8. Congratulations! I am so happy for you, and am sending lots of love and Karebear hugs to you.

  9. You’re amazing, Lojo! Thank you for sharing this part of your life with us. In good times and bad times. Does that work with friends? It should. Love you Lady and so happy for you!!

  10. Soooo happy to hear you are at the end of this looong journey and beginning of a better one! Hugs to you and continued healt...

  11. I listen to your many albums and they bring me joy. I am looking forward to much more music from you. Love you, my friend.


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