Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Good Newz, Bad Newz, Good Newz...

Hello My Fine Folk,

If this is your frst time visiting my blog, Welcome!!
For you who've been here before, Welcome to the new site!!

To all - I'm a lousy blogger.  When reviewing my last entry the date was December 2016...yikes. Okay, so I admit, I suck at blogging so,  I decided to create a fresh blog site to try to rejuvenate my attempt to share more with you.  As recent events have made this practice more relevant why not start sharing now, yeh?

Some of these events include working on the new album.  The live show was a success, the live recording has been fun to listen to and the post-production process has been slow but steady.  I think I speak for us all when I say we're looking forward to putting the final touches on this project and we'll be starting the pre-release details soon.

Then there's this other event which has arisen that is a wee bit more immediately significant.

Recently I was diagnosed with adeno carcinoma.  On June 15th 2018,  I had surgery to remove the cancer only to discover there was a second cancer site which was also removed.  In the coming weeks I’ll be going thru chemo treatments to ensure and reduce the chance of the second cancer metastasizing.  (Yes, I’ll probably lose my hair and, no, Iowa does not participate in legal medical marijuana).

I’m recovering from surgery and am in good health - all things considered.  A residual side effect from the surgery is a lifting restriction so, over the next few weeks I’ll continue to enjoy the advantage of having roadies ;)  However, my voice remains strong… as does my resolve to beat the #&*! out of this stupid disease.

My spirit is high and my outlook is positive.  Despite the diagnosis I know that I am extremely lucky to have found the cancers when we did and count my blessings to have my wife, my family, my friends and you fine folk by my side and in my corner who continue to encourage and support me both in my music and in life.

Now, let's see what this new chapter brings.  My plan is to post to this blog while sitting in chemo so I hope you will consider following this blog and I will endeavor to write more often. Deal?



  1. You go girl! Good vibes going out to you and yours. Btw...hair is over rated!

    1. Thanks! At keast I won't have a haircut budget for awhile ;)

  2. That cancer news sucks, wishing a fast recovery for you, hang onto your kick-butt attitude. After getting well, swing past Minneapolis, maybe? Been too long since seeing ya in person. House concert in Golden Valley would sound good... deck party afterwards if you're up for it!
    Bigfan#42, Chris

    1. That sounds like a grand idea, Chris!
      What are you doing in November ;)

  3. Lojo,
    Jeez.... We in MN can't let you out of our sight for a minute without you getting into something. Seriously, you'll be on my mind. hope to see ya soon. Love, Dave.

    1. Yep, just can't seem to keep outta trouble...
      Hope to see you all up there agan, soon!

  4. Sending love and healing your way. Beat the living shite out of this nasty disease... Keep me posted and let me know if you need anything...

    1. Thanks Suzi! All I need is love...brrah,bup, bup,buh,bah...
      Miss you guys and been thinking about a trip over the mountain. <3

  5. Mean old poopy cancer - show it who’s boss. Hope the road to remission is short and smooth (and eased by friends and loved ones walking it with you).

    1. Short smooth - kinda like me (and my head in a few weeks...LOL!)
      Thanks Anna!

  6. Super love you and standing by you the whole time, lady. You Are Mighty!

  7. Sending love and healing and comfort your way! You got this!!

  8. With you every step of the way!! Sending love and healing your way!!

  9. Sending much love and healing energy. You can always visit Colorado because it's legal here. ;-) Seriously, kick the crap out of this nasty disease!

  10. Thank you for the smile...and the support!

  11. hey Lojo, just hearing about this now. lots of love and hugs from northern MN.

  12. Caught a glimpse of something on Facebook and came here to learn more. Fuck cancer. Love to you and Susan.

  13. Oh Lojo. I’m so sorry to hear this. Hugs and fuck cancer.

  14. Hair is overrated, Love is not.
    Matt and I are sending you lots of positive, recovery energy and love from Chicago!
    -Beazley Phillips

    1. hair is overrated - ostrich feathers are not ;)
      Thanks guys!


A shot in the dark

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